New Born

18 Octuber 2020 Blog

New Born Child Name Suggestion by Nakshatra

Each lunar house has a dominant constellation or star. The 27 houses are known as nakshatras in Indian astrology and each one gets its name from the constellation or dominant star in that house. ... This is why many Indian parents consult an astrologer to find out their baby's nakshatra soon after birth.

Exact Name Letter Suggest of a New Born Child by Nakshatra.

  • Name Letter Suggest of a New Born Child by Nakshatra.
    Meeting Time : 45min.
    Analyis: Time within 45min
    Next 1 Day After analysis will be provide in you in written format.

    Pre-Paid Services : Pay only for Meeting.

  • Exact Name Suggestion, Kundli Making, 5year of Analysis after age of 12th Year
    Meeting Time :45min.
    Analyis: Time within 45min.
    Next 2 Day After analysis everything will be provide in you in written format.

    Pre-Paid Services : Pay only for Meeting & analysis.

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